Innisfail Weather Live

Innisfail Weather Live brings to you local weather information affecting the Cassowary Coast Region from Cardwell to Innisfail and also north to Babinda.

Visit for live weather conditions for Innisfail and much more.

The material found on this facebook page is provided for general information only. This page has been compiled by the State of Queensland from information obtained from sources within the Australian Government, State, and Territory Government agencies and those non-government bodies having been identified as relevant to Australian emergency management issues and is subject to change without notice.

Innisfail Weather Live has used its best endeavours to ensure that the Material is correct and current at the time of publication but makes no warranty, express or implied that the Material is accurate, authentic or complete and takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect.

The Material must not be relied on as professional advice on any particular matter. You are responsible for making your own assessment of the Material and should verify all relevant representations, statements and information with your own professional advisers.

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